Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Awesome Release Day for my Twinkies!!!


It's all about the love folks. I have to give a great big shout out to two of my critique partners. Chloe Cole and LC Chase, debut author. These two are great cps, wonderful writers and awesome women all the way around! And today they share their first collaborative effort from Loose-id.

Three To Tango.

So if you don't mind, please give these two huge love by jetting over to their blogs to congratulate them on a job well done. You can find Chloe here and LC here.

Oh- and you can win a free book!!! Also, LC did a fantastic job on the book trailer for Three To Tango so check that out while you visit them! It's beee-you-teee-ful!!!!

Congratulations Twinkies!



Gale Stanley said...

This is some hot cover Calisa. I'm off to visit those blogs and see more.

Maeve Greyson said...

What a great friend you are to help your "Twinkies" out! I'm headed over there now!

Hales said...

going to go look

Christine Bell said...

Thanks doll, you all are the best CP's ever and we couldn't have done it without you! OXOXO

Calisa Rhose said...

Thank you Gale, Maeve and Hales! Ya'll are great friends. Go. See. WIN!

XOXOX Chris/Chloe! You know I hafta pump up my Twinks. ;) Happy to throw ya'll out there.

L.C. Chase said...

Awww... thank you, Calisa. :-) Chris said it best, you're a doll and we couldn't have done it without you and all our twinkies. (((((HUGS)))))

Calisa Rhose said...

*blushing* I had to. It's what we do. Love you guys too. Oh- and I remembered to go back to both your blogs and leave a comment!;) lol

Riley Murphy said...

Hi Calisa,

Great job pimping. *high fives* You're awesome! And, so are they! You all deserve some love today by making this happen. Cause, hey, it's a good thing. :D


Calisa Rhose said...

Pimping is what I do! ;) Thanks Murphy. You're the greatest!