Friday, March 5, 2010

When plots don't come together!


I've been writing and editing at the same time 'sort of'.
My Twinkies have been phenomenal in pointing out things (not all small!) in my work in progress (wip) that don't mesh, or leave open ended questions that I don't necessarily have answers for. Like- why get a baby like this (which I won't actually say and spoil the surprise), why not let h/H just meet and have their baby? Because that's what the story is about- how they get the baby and why. But- why do it that way?
Why indeed. sigh>
So I'm being forced to sit and actually plot! And this is not something a panster even remotely likes to contemplate.
Ah- the joys of having a controversial couple scream out their story to you... Having caught me off guard I thought their story would be fun and, yes, easy to get down in at least a rough first draft so I began. And now- nearly half way into it, I realize there are big problems abound in HEA land! What to do? Rewrite seems the only logical solution and I'm fighting this tooth and nail. Luckily, I love this couple too much to just say no and give up on them and their difficulties. When the idea of starting over first came to me I thought 'That's too much trouble. I'll let them go the way a few others have and find them a place on the back burner.' But before that thought even formed good, I knew I can't do that to these two. So, at 18K +/- words, I'll keep plugging and probably (definitely) end up rewriting parts of the story along the way.
But as long as I tell their story, give them the chance they've asked for, I know I can finish.

Besides, I have the support and help of some wonderful critique partners! A toast to Chapter By Chapter- may we all see our words in published form one day soon!



Gale Stanley said...

I'm a pantser too and I'm trying to get out of the habit of editing as I go along. It has its pros and cons. When I finish the whole thing I don't have quite as much to edit and the writing doesn't look so hopeless I'm tempted to start over. If you love the characters that much I think you should stick them.

Calisa Rhose said...

I truly do adore this couple! I'm only editing as I go because of my cp group. Normally I would write at least half before beginning edits, but I need motivation to get this one finished in a timely fashion. We have an editor/agent conference in June and I need to have it done by then! They are a great asset to accomplish this goal. Otherwise I may sit on it and plug too slowly. I just began serious work on it in January so I don't have much time as it is.
But not having answers to some pertinent questions is the major plus to editing as I go this time.

Hi y'all! said...

Don't be too hard on yourself. Keep plugging along - I think it is coming along great.